What’s New | WinTech

What’s New

New in Version 3.20

April 2024

  • Data scripts
  • An updated look and feel
  • Assumption constants
  • Yield curve library
  • Improved amortization interface
  • Over 40 additional features

What’s New in ProVal 3.20

Video: What’s New in ProVal 3.20 (30 Min)

New in Version 3.19

August 2023

  • Client-friendly data questions & corrections
  • Direct editing of assumptions, benefits, and more from within sample lives
  • Optional replacement of existing entries when importing from another client, rather than always saving as new
  • High-capacity database and library files that are no longer limited in size to 4 GB
  • Over 35 additional features

What’s New in ProVal 3.19

Video: What’s New in ProVal 3.19 (35 Min)

New in Version 3.18

November 2022

  • A sample life comparison feature
  • Power editing of valuation assumptions
  • Plan constants specified by multiple coded fields
  • Over 40 additional features

What’s New in ProVal 3.18

Video: What’s New in ProVal 3.18 (39 Min)

New in Version 3.17

March 2022
  • The ability to run multiple sets of sensitivities in a single valuation
  • Deep compare of plan definitions
  • Enhanced experience study output
  • A defined contribution allocation tool
  • Over 40 additional features
What’s New in ProVal 3.17

Video: What’s New in ProVal 3.17 (35 Min)

New in Version 3.16

July 2021

  • A new plan editor interface
  • An improved status reconciliation tool
  • Sample life summary and projected benefit payment reports
  • Ability to specify OPEB claims assumptions in Valuation Assumptions
  • Over 40 additional features

What’s New in ProVal 3.16

Video: What’s New in ProVal 3.16 (47 Min)